
A blog about math and code that sometimes makes sense.

Hyperbolic Polynomials

Most people who learn about polynomials at some point learn about their roots. So we learn that if you have a polynomial in 1 variable, like $x^2 + 3x + 2$, then the number of complex roots of this polynomial is the same as its degree, but it’s surprisingly a lot harder to say anything about the real roots of a polynomial.

For an arbitrary polynomial, there is a number associated with it called the discriminant. It is defined as [ \prod_{i < j} (r_i - r_j) ] where $r_i$ are the roots of the polynomial. Because this is a symmetric polynomial in the roots, this quantity can also be written as a polynomial in the coefficients of the original polynomial.

For polynomials in degree 2, it looks like [ \Delta(ax^2+bx+c) = b^2-4ac ] For polynomials in degree 3, it looks like [ \Delta(ax^2+bx+c) = b^2-4ac ]

And the discriminant gets a lot more complicated as the degree gets larger.